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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부






QCM Research社는 우주 연구 분야의 핵심 분석 장치인 Quartz Crystal Microbalances(QCMs)를 사용자의 응용 분야에 알맞게 디자인하여 제조하는 전문 회사입니다.
QCM은 열중량 분석(Thermogravimetric Analysis)을 이용하여 물질에 대한,구성 성분의 결정, Outgassing과 광학 표면상의 오염 물질 측정 등과 같은 최첨단 기술연구 분야에서 사용되고 있으며, QCM Research社는 그 선두 주자 역할을 하고 있습니다.




The Quartz Crystal Microbalance is an ingenious device that can measure molecules or contaminants in a vacuum environment.

Our specially prepared crystals are so sensitive they can measure molecules well below the mono-molecular level.

When molecules accumulate on the crystal surface, the crystal reacts in a linear mass-to-frequency relationship, making calculations much easier. By changing the temperature of the crystal, one can look for specific molecules by adjusting the temperature of the crystal to the condensation point of specific gases.

When finished, the condensation can be burned off to prepare for the next measurement.

By slowly raising the temperature one can determine partial or mixed molecules using Thermogravimetric analysis. 


Most of our QCMs have a temperature sensor built in.

Additionally, Our Thermoelelctric QCM line or TQCMs have a peltier heat exchanger making it possible to heat or cool the crystals to a specific temperature.

Our Cryogenic QCM line has a heater only, (no cooling) but is capable of operating in more extreme temperature.

Our Passive line of QCMs have no temperature control.

They are used for measuring accumulated contaminants over the life of a product, for example.



QCMs are connected via cable to one of our controllers or Control/Data Acquisition Units, the M2000 for lab work and the M3000 for flight.

These are then connected by cable to a host computer.

We also produce a wide assortment of lab quality cables in custom lengths and configurations.


Suitable for use in both vacuum chambers and for flight use, QCMs are proven, ruggedized, and have an excellent flight history.

They can be customized for your specific application. 


